Thursday, December 4, 2008


i laughed so hard today, hahahah so much laughter, such a good day, i love laughter, its natural and uncontrollable and i wish i could control it to make it come more often, because it feels so incredible. im sure whoever is reading this is human and knows what im talking about, but for whatever reason...ive just been so overwhelmed...that ive forgotten...

it started with a little girlie named ended with me in contorted poses doing yoga

we sat in starbucks for a few hours pretending to be busy students on our macs when in actuallity we were just on facebook and talking about ways to cheat the college getting married and being independent from your parents so you dont have to pay as much tuition (my mom thought of this, not me)

good day, now i have to prepare for a debate tomorrow and stop focusing on squeezing my skin

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hahahahahahahahahaaha i love you.