Friday, January 23, 2009


i went to go see ponytail tonight with ryan, janelle, and ryan's friends sal and laura. it was a fun night over all, even though i felt like my stomach would sink into my ovaries from starvation, but that evened out with a dollar cheeseburger (which i sort of regret) that i eventually got. otherwise, the night was filled with driving through unfamiliar park slope streets, avenues connecting to warehouses and warehouses and more warehouses. i would never want to live in a place like that. it's so cold and lonely, absolutely empty, nothing fills the horizon but over ground subway tracks and really old metal billboard signs. when i want to move in somewhere by myself, i want to live in a familiar apartment, that may be built over a flower shop or something quaint and feminine like that. i dont know, im making things up as i type, im making up a future in which i play a nice femme who calls her mom and loves nick at night reruns (me in a nutshell). 

edit: oh, and i shared a marvelous soho shopping and snacking at dean and deluca with the newest love of my life, julia

1 comment:

julia said...

what about meeeeeeeee?! hi